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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just a Hello filled with Thanks 5-13-09

Hello: I'd like to take a moment to thank each and all who have helped Thomas and Stacie & Julie (my son-in-law, daughter and granddaughter) over the past year and past 6 years, either thru prayer, financially, support or just a passing thought of wishing them well. Without family and friends, a life threatening illness can cause so much pain, worry, feelings of total loss and desperation. I consider all of you as my family. I also want to let you know that at the moment, Thomas, again, is defeating the melanoma cancer! HURRAH AND THANK GOD FOR HIS MIRACLES! He has been fighting this demon since he was 18 yrs old.

Thomas turned 26 yrs old this past November and today is doing so fantastic, it is hard to conceive. I guess the word is BELIEVE! He no longer has any cancer in his brain, just scarring where the tumors (7 or so) were, very few throughout torso (8 or so), any left that are still measurable, which is only 1, is drastically reduced. He will continue to have full body scans, MRI's, bone scans, etc and a treatment every 3 mos for the rest of his life. So every 3 months we gear up, hard not to prepare for the worst and so far, we are getting the best!! A year ago things really looked so dim and the outlook did not seem there would be any possibility he could defeat this. His doctors right along with us are in amazement.

Thomas' attitude has always been as if this was just a toothache, get on with it, get on with life. He once said, the Big Man obviously has a plan for me. Instead of filing for disability as his doctors tried to convince him to do, he is still working full time at Carmax and pushing for all his might. Unfortunately, he did loose his sales manager position this past week, but he immediately went right back to being a salesman since they had some of those positions open, Carmax had to cut back on managers nationwide due to our economy crisis. But, that's Thomas, started as a car salesman, climbed that ladder, but he can do it again. Success is the only word Thomas knows how to say, never defeat. But this fall is no comparison to what other events that could have taken place. He sold a car the first day, this past Monday, so he's back to his same ole self. He did say to let you all know if anyone needs a car, give him a call 865-254-2342 and he'll be the man you need to see.

He and Stacie just celebrated their 6th anniversary, May 6th, they have been together for a total of 10 years. I have pictures of their grade school dance, their senior prom and their wedding, if this tells you how long these 2 have been beside one another. They are also here on his blog. Julie Patrice just turned 4 in January and is growing like a weed. They are back living here in Tennessee from South Carolina and living right next door to me and Tom in a trailer we bought and set up. Blessings by galore! But most of all, God has blessed us with Thomas' life.

Again, I want to share my thanks from them and from me.

Keep the prayers flowing and may God bless each and every one of you.

My deepest thanks
Pat Carver

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No thanks needed here. I feel like Thomas and Stacy, in fact all of you are part of my extended family. I have been right here beside you every step of the way with prayers, tears of fear and tears of great joy. I have to agree with Thomas, that the big man upstairs has a remarkable plan for him. I continue to pray for him often and know that in time that 1 left over tumor will be gone.
Love y'all! Donna Michels