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Monday, July 28, 2008

3rd treatment completed and we have a trailer

Thomas has just completed 3rd treatment this past Thursday 7/24. He's doing real good, starting to get the rash back a little, but otherwise seems to be doing good.

They finally found a trailer up in Sevierville and have had it pulled to our property. Waiting to get it anchored and leveled out and then some work will need to be done for some minor improvements. They are going to do some painting, put in new carpet and re-apply cool-sealer to the roof. We are going to build a deck on the front and back porch to get in and out of it. They will have to buy appliances, since this trailer was not furnished in any way. Waiting for the water meter and then we will dig the water line and then get power and we'll be ready to go. So hopefully in the next 2 to 3 weeks they will be in their new home and back to stay in good ole Tennessee.

Thomas will take one more treatment and then he will have all new scans done. We are continuing to pray and hope that this ugly beast has tucked tail and run for the hills. Life just does not have any room, nor time, for this to continue causing havoc for Thomas. Please continue to pray and hope for the day we can all shout "Hallaluhah!"

Please put my brother-in-law, Earl Lancaster, back in your prayers. We have found out today that, unfortunately, his pancreatic cancer has returned and the outlook is not looking good. But, we still hope for the best and are keeping our faith. His blog:

Thanks for all the support
Love Pat

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